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May 6, 2024

OKX Ventures Announces Strategic Investment in EVG's Consumer-oriented Projects

OKX Ventures, the investment arm of leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company OKX, has announced a strategic investment in four consumer-oriented products from Web3 venture studio EVG. These include multi-chain SocialFi infrastructure Open Social Protocol, decentralized collaboration network Zeek, strategy card game Legend of Arcadia and real-time strategy game Last Odyssey.

April 1, 2024


Web 3 Nexus 2024 @ Hong Kong

EVG will be hosting the Web3 Nexus series of events on April 5-8 in Hong Kong, including a full day demo day, two large-scale parties. Dapper Labs CEO Roham and Berachain CEO Smokey will be sharing insights during the demo day on April 5. Other partners include Coin98, HTX Ventures, ARC, Hashed, Hack VC, and more.

October 24, 2022


KPMG & Aspen Digital Study Reveals Wealthy Asian Investors Are Keen On Crypto

This report, jointly authored by KPMG China and Aspen Digital, shares investment strategies in the digital assets sector, based on a survey of family offices and HNWIs, and in-depth interviews with key industry stakeholders.

April 27, 2023

Financial Times

London hedge fund plans to scoop up stakes in privately held digital asset companies

Brevan Howard has been shifting a small portion of its assets into crypto and its co-founder, billionaire Alan Howard, is a big backer of the sector, having recently invested in digital asset custody and trading technology firm Copper.co and crypto trading app Kikitrade.

May 10, 2023

經濟一週 EDigest

Web 3永續《無間道》 馮德倫: Crypto 界並非全是騙子

知名香港電影製作人馮德倫導演不止是「影痴」,更是「科技迷」,在2019年已接觸Crypto 及區塊鏈概念,在《無間道》20週年與寰亞娛樂及EVG推出「無間猿」(Departed Apes)。馮導演希望將這套經典港產片帶入Web3.0

April 1, 2023

NIKKEI Financial

FTX生んだ香港 仮想通貨、逆風下の規制緩和


October 28, 2022

InvestHK by HKSAR

EVG being Elected as an Investor Champion under the Global Fast Track 2022 by InvestHK

The Global Fast Track brings together the world’s innovative fintech companies that already have commercial customers in their home market and beyond to showcase their business solutions and connect with regional corporates and investors.